Warehouse CL-X
proof 107
Age of 8 YRS 10 MOS
I took a break from bourbon. Bought this bottle on a whim and figured I'd crack it open. What's inside is pretty different from the usual fare I drink.
Dull chocolate and caramel on the nose. Some licorice. Spice. Oak. Nuttiness with a little bit of sweetness. Vanilla.
The palate brings back that caramel covered chocolate. Pecan. Some oak. Spice begins to come through near the finish in a surprising amount at first. Tastes a bit hotter than expected. But It calms as you drink it and become accustomed, and that spice becomes a high point.
Finishes off with previously mentioned spice, oak, and bitter chocolate.
Overall, it's a pleasant bottle that offers something a bit different. It's not overally complex but is still good for what it is.