Just cracked a new bottle of Dickel 15 year single barrel, and I am quite pleased with what's inside. I've had a pour of a friend's bottle of 15 year, but this is my first taste of my own bottle. Having tried two different barrels, I think these 15 year single barrels represent some of the best whiskey that Dickel offers up. This is super smooth and sweet, with loads of caramel and vanilla. Light toasted notes and hints of candied cherry. The oak is subtle and if there's anything lacking, it's spice. You do get that classic Dickel mineral note ( which I happen to like, unlike most folks) but, it's muted. This is very easy to sip. It also falls in my sweet spot proof wise at 104 proof. I'm a fan of these 15 year bottles, and Dickel. I may be in the minority, but I think Dickel is very underated and this 15 year is a great value.