Golden. Cherry, caramel, spices, vanilla, honey. Hints of oatmeal in the background. Some other high strung floral and fruit notes I can’t quite place coming through the base notes. After time the bottle becomes pretty one dimensional and flat. Not bad, but the exciting notes kinda fade.
Palate is round and confirms the nose. Some slight soapy tastes. Medium finish. Heard the 120+ proof KC is the one to go with. This one is a tad lacking.
I still have a full bottle, so this rating will likely change.
I use the rating scale below. Distiller uses a scale of 5 and I use a scale of 10, but I’m sure you’re not too drunk to do the math!
1. Disgusting - So bad I poured it out.
2. Poor - I wouldn't consume by choice.
3. Bad - Multiple flaws.
4. Below average - Not bad, but many things I'd rather have.
5. Good - Just average.
6. Very Good - Better than average.
7. Great - Well above average.
8. Excellent - In a league of its own.
9. Incredible - An all-time favorite.
10. Perfect