August 20, 2024 (edited September 6, 2024)
So i grabbed my first ever bottle of this Weller 12 from Europe at a good price. Ive alrways heard that this is weak and overrated but as always it is best to try for yourself.
And wow am I glad that I did. Instead of the thin and watery dram I’ve been told to expect, I found a perfectly balanced bourbon with an incredible nose, great palate and short but tasty finish. It is bourbon 101 really, with vanilla, caramel (presenting more as pancake syrup), oak and red fruit, in this case strawberry which I dont come across too often. I have to stress how balanced it was.
I understand why people can be disappointed if they spend $250 on this, as the proof undoubtedly caps its potential. But otherwise it is just so perfect. This could convert any bourbon newbie.
Also Id say this compares well to other Weller/Van Winkle products that Ive had. This batch was superior to the Van Winkle 12 I’ve tried. I also preferred this to the Weller 107 and Old Rip 10 Ive tried, although 107 is a good deal generally. Just depends if you like more heat and spice. Admittedly this wasn’t close to the Pappy 15 I tried, although if you nose and taste this deeply, the pancake and maple syrup I get off that Pappy 15 is juuuuust starting to develop. You could see this getting there if it sat for 3 more years and was cranked up to 107.
Anyway, a very good experience here and I grabbed another so that I could have this around for special occasions the next few years.