Meet Flasky, Distiller’s New Intelligent Companion App

May 15, 2024

For years we’ve dreamt of harnessing the knowledge of Distiller into a robust recommendation tool, and thanks to AI technology we’ve finally been able to do just that. Meet Flasky, our new intelligent chat app that’s powered by all things Distiller.

Flasky can offer bottle advice, give gift recommendations, write cocktail recipes, conduct price checks, and much more. Flasky constantly refers back to Distiller’s spirits pages and articles to provide real-time advice powered by decades of spirits knowledge and reviews.

If you’ve ever been searching for new spirits and wanted your own custom recommendation list, Flasky can do that. Need cocktail recipes for spirits you have on hand? Flasky can do that too. Flasky can even write a cocktail menu for your themed parties and send you to the store in your city that sells the spirits you’ll need.

The best part about Flasky (besides the one-time pay-for-life pricing)? It’s the freedom to ask whatever questions you want. Whether you’re looking for straight up recommendations, or you’re a bartender looking for new and exciting cocktails, Flasky is made just for you. But don’t just take our word for it, check out some of our early reviews:

Flasky is currently available exclusively on iOS devices. Head here to download!

With Distiller, you’ll always know what’s in the bottle before you spend a cent. Rate, Review, and Discover spirits. Head on over to Distiller, or download the app for iOS and Android today!

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