50 Followees
brbnjunkieWhiskey ratings below 3 stars: pass—3 stars: decent but wouldn’t buy again—3.5: baseline—3.75: above average...explore—4 stars: buy 4.25: best in show—4.5: all-star—4.75-5: legendary
Generously_PaulLike a fine woman, a fine whisky deserves your time and attention
Stephanie_MorenoEditor for Distiller. My go-to dive bar whiskey: Bushmills Black Bush. Have a weakness for self-depreciating humor, queso, and shih tzus.
The_RevPart time pastor and homesteader, full time whisky, gin, brandy, and rum lover
PBMichiganWolverineWhen I pass of this good earth, I’ll be taking my Brora with me. Not so I can share with god, but so I can bribe the devil.
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