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Kirin Fuji Sanroku 50°
Reviewed March 9, 2019 (edited December 20, 2019)A nice blend that starts and finishes well like a good balanced Japanese whisky as you would expect . It’s not quite a hibiki which has a much more finished approach but this is not bad for aud 99.99. Wouldn’t pay the crazy typical price for this. Sadly of course this is discontinued like many so grab if you can at the 99.99 price as it would easily stand up over a Nikka from the barrel and maybe just below the hibiki harmony which are both priced over this. This is spicy, a little bit understated upfront but finishes better and has all the right balanced hallmarks of a Japanese whisky. Semi sweet and a tad salty and creamy. Looking forward to trying the signature blend Extra half star for the price99.99 AUD per Bottle -
Reviewed February 13, 2019表参道 バー TOKYO Whisky Library | 表参道 パーティー 熟成 カツサンド ウイスキー 貸切 パーティー 忘年会
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