Sortilège Original Canadian Whisky & Maple Syrup Liqueur
Other Liqueurs — Quebec, Canada
February 15, 2021 (edited August 8, 2022)
Appearance: Transparent amber gold.
Aroma: Maple syrup, alcohol, spun white sugar (cotton candy), vanilla.
Flavour and Texture: Sweet. Very, very sweet. Burnt sugar, maple syrup, wood. Not a lot more. The sweet syrupy notes gradually fade. The texture is thick and sugary.
Well, it is what it says. Compared to many other whiskey liqueurs (I’m looking at you, all you Jim Beam and Jack Daniels awfulness) this is not too bad. It says it’s Canadian whisky with added maple syrup, and it delivers on that, so – OK.
You do need a sweet tooth (which I have ) but it’s a bit too much for me. However Mrs Cascode liked it a lot and may even order a bottle. Merde! Mind you, I'd drench it over a stack of pancakes anyday.
While it’s waaaaay better than any bourbon-based liqueur I’ve tasted (yes, I’m sure there are good ones, I just haven’t had them – please post in the comments 🙂) it’s not as good as Drambuie or Glayva, and light years behind Dunkeld Atholl Brose. If you want to taste a *real* whisky liqueur, that’s the one to go for.
Tasted from a promotional 50ml sample.
“Average” : 78/100 (2.75 stars)
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I can just visualise alcohol infused pancakes!