Ole Smoky White Lightnin' Moonshine
White — USA
February 22, 2023 (edited March 20, 2024)
Birthday present from Leah’s parents!
You don’t need a whole lot for this to get you!
I am drinking this neat.
Strong ethanol (like rubbing alcohol) nose. Harsh and strong ethanol flavor. Not much flavor (makes sense). Definitely a beverage you’d mix with something.
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Yeah, maybe I’m using this app incorrectly, as I’ve been using it like Untappd where you ‘check-in’ every time you have the beverage (even if it’s the same one). Probably not the correct way, but then there shouldn’t be the option to add multiple reviews to a single beverage.
It certainly must have gotten you, considering you reviewed the same thing nine times! Wow. Well, moonshine isn’t for everyone.