Nose: Oak, Caramel, prunes, spices.
Palate: Oak, Spice, Mild dried fruits.
Soft on the palate with a mild delivery of sweet dried fruits, oak, and mild pepper. A good whisky for beginners and casual whisky drinkers but an uneventful whisky for those looking for complexity and depth. You might as well be drinking a Bourbon, your average Knob Creek will give you a more interesting palate than what Macallan has to offer, and at a quarter of the price. Unfortunately thanks to the genius marketing heads at Macallan, this whisky has gained a fanbase/cult as loyal and dogged as they come. The continued artificial inflantion of the prestige of the brand and the supposed quality of this whisky can also be attributed to the fans, if what a company does makes them money they'll continue to do it, so until Macallan's fanbase becomes more critical of their whisky, things will not change.
The Local 907
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