Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ghost and Rare Brora
Blended — Scotland
January 10, 2020 (edited March 12, 2021)
This what the regular JW Blue wishes itself to be. Add a few drops of water, let it rest and open up, and you’ll be treated to a cornucopia of aromas. You get wool and herbs. First taste is
mineral taste, a bit farm-y, hazelnuts. There’s a surprising waxy side as well. That and the farmy taste must be the Brora.
This is an excellent blend, and complexity head and shoulders over the Blue. At the level of Compass Box’s high end stuff. It’s not exactly cheap, and I have an issue with Brora being used in a blend...but personal feelings aside, it’s well engineered showcasing a plethora of aromas and layers of taste.
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It sounds like you got a great experience out of it @PBMichiganWolverine . At some point, one has to crack the bottle open :)
@ContemplativeFox years ago, when I knew much less ( not that I know much more now), I had some Brora. It’s a shame they’re no longer in existence. Was simply very unlike anything out there today ( closest in retrospect might be a well aged Clyneish)
Yeah, it pains me too @PBMichiganWolverine I'm glad to have gotten to try some Brora in this, but it isn't the pure flavor and there's very little Brora remaining :(
@ContemplativeFox I really liked this as well, but my biggest issue with blending in Brora was simply that —blending in Brora. Brora’s are pretty rare, so I thought using it in blends was just not a good use of it
I couldn't agree more with your comparison with regular JW Blue (thanks again for the pour!). Having just now read about the typical Brora flavor profile after tasting this, I have to assume that either there's quite a bit in this or even a few drops pack a lot of flavor! Maybe their alterations to the rest of the composition helped too.
You got the Brora 35?!? Wow. Yeah—the money is double, but the Blue is piss poor. This was actually really good. And I’m guessing more than a few drops—-they did a fine job on this. My biggest issue was using a Brora in a blend.
@PBMichiganWolverine - yes, almost double the money for those few drops of Brora added. I’m almost jealous had it not been for a recent Brora 35 acquisition. :)