James E. Pepper 1776 Barrel Proof Straight Rye
Rye — Indiana (Bottled in Kentucky), USA
June 27, 2020 (edited October 29, 2020)
The nose has a strong hit of isopropyl alcohol. It tastes a little bit like somebody left a cigar and some lemon heads in a bit barrel of vodka. The sweetness is appreciated and the spiciness combined with the tartness does kind of suggest that it's rye, but this mostly tastes like a alcohol. It could be considered to be a good vodka, but it's a bit peaty. This is just way too mildly flavored and is too high of a proof. I wouldn't drink this unless I were looking for a more interesting substitute for vodka. The bitter undertone is unwelcome. This is a truly unique failure condition for a rye. There's definitely something a little herbal going on here, but it is hard to make out any distinct flavors over the proof. Adding some distilled water brings out some mineral flavors, but that just makes this worse. The smoke becomes more clear, which is reassuring, but not delightful. Surprisingly, it is harsher with distilled water added. There isn't really more complexity with water. This is pretty bad stuff. Maybe it would make good rocket fuel.
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@BeppeCovfefe That's entirely possible. The Dickel is growing on me though! I've generally been chalking it up to the youth of the MGP, so I want to find an older one sometime to give it a fair shot. Whistlepig PiggyBack is one of my favorite ryes and it's 100%, so I keep thinking there must be an MGP rye out there I'll love.
@Bourbon_Obsessed_Lexington This was actually at a bar, so I think it was already fairly oxidized. Based on your tasting though, it sounds like this was likely just a bad bottle.
Yea I've had plenty tell me Son of Bourye, HW double rye etc are better when I don't find that at all. Even though you liked Dickel and Bulliet a little better, I think you are no fan of 95/5 rye.
Bummer on that bottle! Maybe Our Lady of Oxidation will do some magic and rid it of the isopropyl, that sounds miserable. If not, then rocket fuel sounds entertaining.