fruity fragrance, perfume, apple, pears, no burn, 3.5
Very delicate and light, not suitable if you are looking for intense flavor because this is very very mild on the palate, fruity peachy touch, sweetness, berry 2.25
fininsh is light delicate, low sustain, fruit 2.25
2.5 (really depends if you want a light drink or heavy, if former, this is go)
2nd try
light nosing compared to all the other compass head, this one is delicate, deeper nosing and you get sweetness, candy, artificial candy 2
very delicate, candy-like flavour, smooth, delicate delicate, very easy to drink (specially for ladies that do not enjoy whiskY), interestingly at the finish you get this joyful surprising hit of peachy towards the back of the tongue 3.5
oaky, mild and no sustainence 2.25
not for those that is looking for a complex drink
Compass Box Asyla 40%
Fruity, sweetness, floral, light and delicate, artificial sugar xylenol smelling, perfume-y, peach 3.25
Light and delicate, flavor is shallow, peachy, floral, oaky and bitterness, peppery heavy 1.75
oaky, quite a plain, quick finish 1.75
Down to 1.75 for the unpleasant tongue
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I want to try their stuff but all the hit-or-miss reviews scare me. thanks for the writing.