44 Followees
kpjI do stuff at Distiller!
salvatore_santamariaI am Sam, Sam I am
Mollie-DistillerDistiller Brand Director
DistillerThe official Distiller account!
silverelizardAn equal opportunity alcohol consumer
brentConsumer of stuff.
Davie-WarnerWhisky is sunlight held together by water.
AndrewPalmerDirector of Engineering at Distiller and retired pro strongman.
BTRAINSwilling whiskey in the northern hemisphere!!
PBMichiganWolverineWhen I pass of this good earth, I’ll be taking my Brora with me. Not so I can share with god, but so I can bribe the devil.
Dreaming-of-IslayMore extended versions of my reviews and whiskey bar reviews from around the world: https://jasonwu0509.wixsite.com/dreamingofislay
LeeEvolvedIf it’s not Scottish, IT’S CRAP! - Mike Myers Saturday Night Live
cascodeFor bourbon and single malt whisky a rating of 2.5 means “average”. Anything rated 3 or more is worth a taste, anything rated 4 or more is recommended. For blended scotch the average is 1.5, and anything rated 3 or more is recommended.
The_RevPart time pastor and homesteader, full time whisky, gin, brandy, and rum lover
Winos_SeattleBWS Buyer Town & Country Lakemont Bellevue Washington
Soba45Rating System <= 2.25 Terrible 2.5 - 2.75 - Poor 3 - 3.25 - Ok. 3.5 - 4 - Good. 4.25 - Great. Top 15%. 4.5 - Excellent. Top 5%. 4.75 - Amazing. Top 1%.
consampI enjoy whisk(e)y old enough to order it's own whisk(e)y.
MayhemInMayberrySo many Malts So little time
Results 1-20 of 44 Followees