Some might call BS for this review but I am a sucker for anything sweet. I love eating honey straight out of the jar. If you do the same, you might like this. Tastes like straight honey and liquor combined. Not even a honey undertaste. Just honey. I was pleasantly suprised. Exactly what I was hoping for. Purchased multiple bottles and has been a favorite I have shared with friends and ordered shots at bars. Probably my go-to at this point. Call me basic. Its cheap and sweet!
Shots of this with friends at the beach. Very sweet. Almost something you could give to a child and they would ask for more because it tastes like candy a bit. I see how someone could get drunk off this quick. Not the highest alc percentage or the best tasting. But if you have a sweet tooth like me and have the taste buds of a 12 year old, you won’t decline this when offered.
Southern Comfort Original
Herbal/Spice Liqueurs — USA
Reviewed August 9, 2024 (edited December 4, 2024)Now I wont lie. I drank a liter of this, overdosed, and sent myself into a coma. Wasn’t too fun getting acute brain encephalitis and a multiple day hospital stay. If you want something sweet, cheap, and will get you drunk quick. This is your go to. Do NOT drink this if you are having mental issues or having a shaky relationship. You will find yourself heavily dependent and the hangovers cause crazy anxiety.32.0 USD per Bottle
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