8 Followees
Scott_EScotch appreciator exploring the whisky world to quench my spirit.
islay_emissaryIG: islay_emissary
Soba45Rating System <= 2.25 Terrible 2.5 - 2.75 - Poor 3 - 3.25 - Ok. 3.5 - 4 - Good. 4.25 - Great. Top 15%. 4.5 - Excellent. Top 5%. 4.75 - Amazing. Top 1%.
Stephanie_MorenoEditor for Distiller. My go-to dive bar whiskey: Bushmills Black Bush. Have a weakness for self-depreciating humor, queso, and shih tzus.
Generously_PaulLike a fine woman, a fine whisky deserves your time and attention
The_RevPart time pastor and homesteader, full time whisky, gin, brandy, and rum lover
ContemplativeFoxBarstool ramblings - out of 23
Results 1-8 of 8 Followees