March 26, 2016 (edited March 27, 2016)
[03.26.2016] My in-laws brought this back from Ireland last week and pulled it out to celebrate my dissertation submission. Excellent choice as Winter wanes into Spring because that's sort of how this bottle tastes as well.
If you like Jameson and peat, it's safe to say you'll be game for Connemara. Peat smoke is strong on the nose and first sip, but mellows as you continue through the glass, revealing the subtleties you might expect from an Irish whiskey. Light floral tones underscore a sweet and salty, malty body that is followed with a charred and spicy finish. Solid whiskey that probably got the shaft in the Distiller review by being mixed among such an assortment of Irish whiskeys and a slightly elevated (and maybe too high) price compared to others in the market. I'd certainly drink an Ardbeg 12 for the money, but the traditional peat elevates this whiskey.