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It is amber but seemingly a bit lighter colored than the VS. The aroma is more vanilla forward than the VS, but the circus peanut candy is still present. There flavor is dominated by circus peanut candy and other confectionaries. It is quite sweet, which masks the booziness.
Sweet, fruits, specifically cherry, and dried stone fruits, a lottle caramel, bought it to use in an aged eggnog for Christmas. But I had to taste it first. Would i buyt this normally? Probably not for a sipper. Use in cocktails or my yearly eggnog recipe? Absolutely.
Sweet artifical ‘fruit’, caramel, milk chocolate
This all sounds good on paper but the actual taste is disappointing. Might be a good mixer but the artificial taste makes me uncertain to use. Would not buy if it was the only brandy available. The candy-like artificial tase just isn’t my thing although I’m sure there are others that will disagree with this assessment.