Very light amber.
Lemon zest, vanilla, pine, touch of gran mariner. Pretty light.
Cherry syrup. Slight heat. Orange zest. Raspberries. Oily mouth feel. Toffee.
Surprisingly long finish. Caramel. Clove spice. Toffee. Slightly raisiny.
This is based on first tasting. I just opened this stuff. I usually wait, but excitement won out. All in all, it’s not bad. There are plenty of bottles I’d rather have at this price point, but for what is in all likelihood a one time, novelty buy, it leaves me pleasantly surprised. I think it definitely has the potential to open up. The nose is really light and underwhelming. I like the body of it. The finish here is where it’s at, and honestly drinks like it’s closer to 8-10 years, not 6 1/2. Some of the toffee and berry notes remind me of Four Roses Small Batch, though it certainly doesn’t achieve the full complexity of that bottle.