Jameson Black Barrel is a step up from the entry level. I wouldn't necessarily go out of my way to drink it, but its solid enough in cocktails and on its own to make it worthwhile if offered.
The nose has a bit of smoke, but I mainly notice the grain. The first couple of sips are a bit thin, with oak, lemon and apples. It veers a touch sweet. The finish has very little burn but fades quickly. I did get a bit of maltiness on the finish as well.
Are there better blends out there, absolutely (Bushmills Black Bush comes to mind), but it's serviceable and not too expensive. If you are using this in cocktails, it has decent value. However, if I was planning to just sit down and have a drink neat, I would gladly pay an extra $10-15 for a bottle of say Knappogue Castle 12 year over this.