March 4, 2019 (edited June 10, 2019)
Ketel One has introduced a game changer in the world of flavored vodkas with its Botanical Collection of which Peach and Orange Blossom is one of three choices. The other two being Grapefruit and Rose bottle and Cucumber and Mint bottle. The introduction of this organic, non GMO, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, and no artificial flavors ushers in a truly pure and clean flavored vodka. When it comes to the tasting notes, peach is the prominent on the palate but what strikes the drinker the most is the clean, refreshing taste. There is nothing fake about this product. It is completely pure. To partake cold and over ice is to experience this vodka in a way that surpasses all other fake, flavored vodkas so common in the marketplace. Do yourself a flavor and taste all three versions in the Botanical Collection and then choose the one you like the best, go buy a bottle, put it in the refrigerator, and take it out in the evening and pour yourself a refreshing glass of vodka.