I remember when I was a child and I heard about the make a wish foundation. I thought that's awesome that people would do that for a sick kid. Well add 30 years or so and less any serious health conditions this grown man also had wishes. One was to try the fabled Cairdeas...any of them but particularly a good one. It wasn't the make a wish foundation which came to the party though it was Santa aka
@PBMichiganWolverine. Hoho he said I'll not only grant your wish I'll double it...TWO Cairdeas's AND I'll make the sample double size cos hey I'm American and everything is bigger here...and to make my reindeers journey worth it I'll throw in a load more awesome stuff. The man was very excited as he really hadn't been good enough to deserve anything this year according to his wife but then again he never got anything when he was. Also he didn't even believe in Santa but hey this man was DESPERATE..he'd believe in Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny if one of them promised him a Cairdeas sample. Now the man always made his kids wait until xmas until they could open their presents but hey he wore the pants round here...when his wife let him... so if he didn't want to wait he wouldn't. So begins the 12 drams to xmas aka the Santa chronicles.
This dram is fantastic. Way better than the Brodir or whatever that pale imitation was... the man dreamed of a world that was pure, just and when Laphroaig would once again produce great stuff but hey as we all know boys and girls once the marketing dept gets in charge all the presents get watered down. A great dram which makes the top 10 for 2019 easy!