October 23, 2020 (edited February 20, 2021)
Neat. Neck pour. Found this just chilling on a shelf today. I never had Series 2 and I loved the recent Series 4, so I was inclined to try this. Some say this is the best of the four releases too.
On the nose, this is actually subtle MGP. Stereotypical MGP but quite faint. That is surprising. Well balanced though. Can’t decide on butterscotch or caramel, so I’ll just say both. So much honey and graham cracker. Vanilla royal icing. Getting a bit of orange on the back.
Texture is thinner than I was expecting. Brown sugar and cinnamon up front with a hint of citrus. Butterscotch takes over. Then the honey. Little of that graham cracker and orange on the finish. The more I sip it there is a build of caramel in the back of my throat, just hanging and building.
Umm, hmm. It’s the most average MGP I have had. I mean average in so many ways. Overall it’s middle of the road but all the flavors are right in the middle of what they can be. No flavor is turned up loud, if that makes sense. Nothing pops even though it all goes good enough. It’s very approachable. It’s a background MGP. If you are looking for a Remus, I would stick to Series 3 or 4 over this.