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Woodsy agave on nose that follows on the tongue
A little ethanol that actually compliments the sweetness that fades into a solid vegetal agave
The flavor stays through from start to finish
Definite barrel influence woodsy cedar
Very good very enjoyable
Meh. Underwhelming. Nothing in particular to make it unique or particularly pleasant. Just. Tequila.
It’s not horrible, but I’d mostly buy it if I didn’t recognize any other brands in a remote location, or if all the others were mixto crap.
Currently Reading: Impeachment: A Citizen's Guide by Cass R. Sunstein
Agave front with caramel on the nose; peppery and somewhat citrusy for taste; some fire on the end, but rounds off on the tail end of the finish. I have long used this tequila in replacement of buying other brands some $10 to $20 more than the average cost of this bottle. I honestly like to drink it neat, but it does well with some ice and a lime as well.