May 12, 2020 (edited December 21, 2020)
This whisky is exactly what you expect from its name - but the light version. There is nothing special to report from the nose - you get standard bourbon cask notes of tanin fueled oak with vanilla.
The smell is in fact kinda rich but the palate sadly disappointed me. It is watery at the beginning and becomes bitter right after. Not the nice bitterness you get from interesting cask but an unpleasant one. It actually tastes like a whisky you accidentally poured to much water in. I didn’t even finish my 4cl sample, what’s really sad because I was really looking forward to trying a Glenrothes whisky for about a year. I will get back to this distillery sometimes in the future but then with some more mature and more interesting cask style.
2.0 because the nose was enjoyable.