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Watershed Barrel-Finished Nocino
Ohio-based Watershed Distillery first started making Nocino in 2014 after a local physician named Charlie convinced them to try his homemade version. Unripe black walnuts from Ohio are used in its creation along with sugar and spices.
Released annually in small batches so ABV will vary. .
Ohio-based Watershed Distillery first started making Nocino in 2014 after a local physician named Charlie convinced them to try his homemade version. Unripe black walnuts from Ohio are used in its creation along with sugar and spices. Released annually in small batches so ABV will vary.
Nut LiqueursNut liqueur examples include almond (amaretto), pistachio, peanuts, hazelnut (noisette), walnuts (nocino) and so on. Amaretto however is often made from apricot pits.