I didn't realize what this was when I first sipped it, expecting a variation on the distillery's bourbon. To my surprise, this tasted like a rye; in fact, more like a rye than Wild Turkey 101 Rye, which has more of a chameleon quality to its flavor. Then I googled it and found out that this is a blend of bourbon and rye, along the lines of other maverick whiskies like High West's well-regarded Bourye. To be honest, I thought this one was a little boring mostly because the bourbon is getting its ass kicked in this blend. Sure, there's a little vanilla and cherry that's more reminiscent of bourbon in the nose and at times in the palate, but this reads like a rye: heavy on the spice, dill, and sesame seed. Perhaps because I was signing up for a more bourbon-like experience, this one left me a little cold.