1792 Single Barrel Bourbon
Bourbon — Kentucky, USA
April 27, 2022 (edited June 14, 2022)
1792 Series (4 of 10): Single Barrel
Did you know:
Barton 1792 has a whopping 30 barrel aging warehouses. I mean 29. Whoops. 29. Too soon?
Nose is banana. Cream. Sugar. Menthol. Mint.
Body is caramel, brine, pit fruits, fruit punch. Lemon. Grass.
Finish is lemon, cherry, cinnamon, more brine. Bit of apple.
This is good, but it’s not what you’d expect from a single barrel of a good whiskey (small batch). I often get the impression that small batches are compromises: the best stuff is diluted with inferior stuff for the sake of volume. I get the opposite impression here. This single barrel is one piece of a recipe, and it is not yet whole. With 4 down, I still do not see any reason to ever stock a 1792 whiskey that is not small batch, and that tall-boy handle is looking better by the day.
Edit: I just mixed small batch into this single barrel, and it actually did make it more dynamic and enjoyable.
Looking forward to the next on-deck:
1792 Single Barrel Store Pick, aka beige neck 2.0
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@Milliardo why would they stop? Seems odd, just as tourism is back
@Jdimler I heard this too and am really bummed. Was trying to plan a tour this summer
I heard that Barton isn't doing tours any longer. I sure enjoyed the tour there as the guides were great and you got to see all the equipment up close. Visitor center wasn't much but the tour itself was really good in my opinion.