Jack Daniel's Triple Mash
Blended American Whiskey — Tennessee, USA
May 30, 2022 (edited August 6, 2022)
JD Triple Mash
*NOSE: Banana, Rye Spice, Barnwood, Vanilla, Maple, Latex Paint, Dry Brown Sugar, Tea.
*NEAT: Definitely can tell that JD Rye is the largest component in the blend. A little Bitter and Savory and lacking much in the way of sweet notes. Dark Chocolate, Dark Herbal Notes (Clove, Anise, Cardamom), Mint, Dill, Salted Butter, Light Char, and Prickly Heat. Finishes on the shorter side, but there is a nice building heat (TNHug) in the chest. I definitely wouldn't call this "smooth". Banana, Bitter Tannins, and Very Dark Chocolate coat and linger.
*SPLASH: Maple & Banana start to dominate the nose. Oak is turned up a bit. Palate gets a little more Peppery, but gains a little sweetness. I also start to get some Hazelnut Creamer. The Tingle hangs around a bit longer. The coating finish is just a little sweeter. That TNHug keeps growing, eventually becoming a hot coal glowing in the middle of the chest. I like it!
*VERDICT: Of the two new line extensions, I prefer the BIB, but both are welcome additions to JD's core lineup. This definitely reminds me of a Woodford special release. I almost think I would've preferred the percentage of rye lowered just a bit? Jack Daniel's reminding us once again that despite their lackluster flagship whiskey, they can hang with the best of them if they choose to.
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@BeppeCovfefe it has gotten better with each subsequent tasting.
@BDanner this is easily the more interesting of the two new releases, I'm on my third taste and still haven't nailed down a good profile description, I'm for certain going to prefer this over it's more standard bonded brother.
@Cornmuse will definitely give it a try! After a couple weeks I find myself reaching for this one more than the BIB.
Great notes and a very good whiskey from an unexpected source. Try this one in a Manhattan with a quality vermouth, it's a flavor love-fest.
@BDanner I am getting very excited to find this one. I am loving JDs recent releases. Just found their BIB locally and will try this week.
Having this again tonight and it is pure chocolate dipped banana. Much sweeter than the first couple pours, but still that spicy tingle from the rye. If it keeps getting better, I’ll definitely have to up the score.
JD certainly needed to up their game, can't wait to try this now!
@BDanner to have the biggest of the big put something like this out, and at a very affordable price, speaks volumes