Green River Full Proof Bourbon
Bourbon — Kentucky, USA
June 14, 2024 (edited November 28, 2024)
I was very excited to get into this one ever since Green River announced its release. Admittedly I’m not the world’s biggest fan of wheated bourbons but Weller FP is up there for one of my all time favorites and I’m hoping this can hold it’s own for a significantly lower price.
Nose: rich caramel, oak, and vanilla with virtually no burn. It’s very subtle and mellow which I actually like a lot, it doesn’t punch you in the nose as much as other full proof offerings might (including Weller FP)
Taste: I am really surprised by this one. Buttery oak and vanilla hit you right off the bat, no hint of burn or astringency whatsoever. Following this is the main “flavoring” if you will. Big hits of smooth caramel corn that lingers for 10-15 seconds before leading to a satisfying finish. No burn, minimal tannin throughout. I would guess this is closer to the 95-105 proof range if I had to guess off of a blind taste test, and I mean that in a good way. I feel as though this is a nice change of pace from full proof “flavor bombs” like Stagg Jr (which obviously have a higher proof contributing)
Final thoughts: I went into this review expecting something similar to Weller FP but I was pleasantly surprised by the mellowness of this pour. For $50 this is excellent value and it’s low enough proof that it might not be as intimidating as other full proof products out there. Very buttery and smooth with notes of caramel, vanilla, and mild oakiness throughout. Would definitely recommend if you like FP products and even if you don’t, there are definitely worse ways to blow $50 so it’s worth a try in my book
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