Legacy Blended Canadian Whisky
Blended — Canada
August 2, 2019 (edited September 7, 2019)
Found this one on sale for $8.99 for a 750ml bottle. Yes you read that right, $8.99 for a full bottle. On to the review...
Smell is almost not there nothing sticks out too much on the nose a little sweetness but not overpowering. As I sip it I get a surprisingly, but not so surprisingly smooth touch on the front of my tongue followed by some floral flavoring. Not my favorite, but not bad. Initially goes down smooth but I get a very large dose of alcohol backlash which is unpleasant.
Overall for the $8.99 I would certainly purchase again. Even for the $20 regular price I would purchase this if Canadien whiskeys are your thing. Tasting this next to NH Crown it’s in a different league though...minor league that is.
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Wow thats crazy. Here in NZ the excise tax alone would be more than that