66 Followees
WhiskyWitchKind witch on a spirit journey
Jose-Massu-EspinelThe Whiskritic
Damon_ElliotI'll always come home to single malt scotch.
Dreaming-of-IslayMore extended versions of my reviews and whiskey bar reviews from around the world: https://jasonwu0509.wixsite.com/dreamingofislay
TelexIronically, my first sips and favorites started in Islay, and then I branched all over Scotland. Learning as I go! Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/Telex2112
E-PappasBoston raised | District aged
Richard-ModernDrinkingAll the booze that’s fit to drink
whiskyandwatchesA dram a day keeps the doctor away (I think that's how the saying goes...)
worldwhiskies95A taster of everything everywhere. Follow me on instagram @globalspiritslife
RLDN106I’ll have another! 0 - 2.25 Seven circles of Hell 2.5 - 2.75 I’d rather not 3 - 3.25 Forgettable 3.5 - 3.75 Might buy again 4 - 4.25 This is very good 4.5 - 4.75 Will always have a bottle
Jason_HallOn a quest to master Whisk(e)y
LiudasikasI drink everything. People hate me for that.
OakmasterBlack Metal
gsimdWine geek who's branching out.
Lee-SautiaTechnologist, backpacker, whiskey lover.
Results 21-40 of 66 Followees