Torabhaig Allt Gleann The Legacy Series 2nd Edition
Single Malt — Island, Scotland
Reviewed January 29, 2025Nice gift for my B day from friends,that know my taste. I wish i have b-day ewery month :) Smoky taste,strong one! (46°) Cheers! -
THE DEACON Blended Scotch Whisky
Blended — Scotland
Reviewed January 22, 2025 (edited January 23, 2025)Nice one! Daily drink! Edit: I bought it because of the bottle, which is better than "The Sexton".Best bottle, but plastic cap.... Really, are you serious?33.0 EUR per BottleKaufland -
The uniqueness of Ouzo Matarelli is highlighted by organic anise, which is its main ingredient, and honey. Anise, the fruit of an annual plant, has found ideal growing conditions in the volcanic soils of Charalambos Matarellis’ estates, in Lisvori, Lesvos. Organic farming soils, endowed with minerals, that bring to the surface the warm thermal waters that surround the area and give excellent quality anise, rich in aromatic ingredients. It is no coincidence that the best anise in the world flourishes in Lisvori. Although anise is affected by fluctuations in climatic conditions, the careful cultivation and constant vigilance of Charalambos Matarellis manage to give healthy fruits every year with the characteristic quality of Lisvori anise. The always fresh anise, after harvesting by hand, is put in sacks and immersed in the sea to be salted naturally and to give the special taste and characteristic aroma to the ouzo Matarelli. Honey is another of the secrets of the taste of Ouzo Matarelli. The distillation of Ouzo Matarellis takes place in the small, traditional distillery of Charalambos Matarellis. Nothing has changed in the handmade production of Ouzo Matarellis. The distillation process is a traditional ritual and is carried out in exactly the same way as the family of Charalambos Matarellis, who knew well the secrets and the art of ouzo making. The distillation takes place in small handmade copper stills which are built with the traditional, fireproof brick of the place. To achieve excellent quality, Charalambos Matarellis uses the method of 100% double distillation, during which he uses exclusively natural raw materials. Each of the two distillations lasts nine whole hours, over a mild natural fire made of olive wood, thus ensuring slower distillation and a softer result. -------------------------------------------- Το Ούζο Ματαρέλλη αποτελεί μια ξεχωριστή πρόταση που συνδυάζει τον παραδοσιακό τρόπο παρασκευής με εξαιρετικής ποιότητας πρώτες ύλες και τον πάντα φρέσκο γλυκάνισο από τα μικρά κτήματα του δημιουργού του στο Λισβόρι της Λέσβου, εκεί όπου ανθεί ο καλύτερος γλυκάνισος στον κόσμο. Ακριβώς αυτό το δώρο που έκανε η φύση στο νησί του αξιοποιεί στο έπακρο ο Χαράλαμπος Ματαρέλλης, δημιουργός του Ούζου Ματαρέλλη. Ένα απόσταγμα που συνδυάζει μοναδικά την παράδοση με την τεχνογνωσία, το μεράκι και, πάνω από όλα, την αγάπη για τη γη. Πριν από την απόσταξη, τα σακιά με το γλυκάνισο βυθίζονται στη θάλασσα για να αλατιστούν με φυσικό τρόπο, με αποτέλεσμα το αλάτι που προστίθεται στο τελικό προϊόν να είναι σημαντικά λιγότερο. Στη συνέχεια ξεκινά η διαδικασία της απόσταξης, που γίνεται σε μικρά χειροποίητα καζάνια, χάλκινους άμβυκες, πάνω σε φυσική φωτιά από ξύλα ελιάς, τα οποία εξασφαλίζουν πιο αργή απόσταξη και πιο «απαλό» αποτέλεσμα. Ως γλυκαντικό για το ούζο, ο Χαράλαμπος Ματαρέλλης χρησιμοποιεί μέλι. Το Ούζο Ματαρέλλη είναι από 100% διπλή απόσταξη. --------------------------------------------- 100% дестилирано узо. Историята започва в Лисвори на остров Лесбос. Анасонът използван при производството на Матарели е изцяло органичен и отгледан в семейните крайбрежни ниви на Хараламбос Матарелис. Преди дестилацията чувалите, пълни с анасон, се потапят в морето, за да се осолят по естествен начин. Дестилацията се извършва в малки ръчно ковани съдове, медни аламбици, загряти от огъня на маслинови дърва. Така процесът на дестилацията се извършва бавно и в резултат течността е по-рафинирана, а за подсладител на узото се използва най-висококачествен мед от остров Митилини (Лесбос).Аванти
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