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Smell - peaty, disinfectant, bit of ripe pear. Taste is smooth light, feels like 34-ish ABV. Little burn if you splash whole mouth. Little honey in water. Little apple, little acidity. Overall, nothing interesting. It goes down nicely but yes, this is nothing special, nothing to remember. And the cork is shit. It broked, the 2/3 in bottle was impossible to pull out by corkscrew, I ended doing cork surgery. Shame.
Nose: pear, bubblegum, bleach.
OK maybe there's some vegetale peat in there too.....and ok maybe some stewed fruit also. It's not terrible. reaction is "Um, what?"
Taste: nope, I'm not wrong. It tastes like weak vegetable soup that somebody flavored with drain cleaner. Weirdly though, it's not thin. There's enough oil in there to give it a decent finish. I hope somebody likes it, cus someone clearly put some effort into making it. But it's not for me.