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The smell is whats nice out this, what I can only assume is grapes and fruit scents. The taste is just very strong and has a decent amount of heat to it even when sipping. Used it as a mixer the rest of the small bottle. Probably only going to use it in the future for that.
December 25, 2022 (edited January 6, 2023)
3.5 out of 5 stars
On the nose: I didn’t get much, maybe a faint citrus or cherry flavor?
On the palate: Strong caramelized apple flavor with a sprinkling of black cherry on top
Finish: I got somewhat of a faint but sweet finish, with themes of cinnamon and chocolate.
Overall: while the scent and finish are nothing to write home about, the flavor is awesome, and is perfect for the winter holiday times!!
The aroma is definitely the best thing going here. It’s very wine like. Grapes and sweet sweet fruit. The flavor falls off and is mostly heat. I should have just smelled it all night.