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On the nose, vanilla and mint. On the palate, vanilla and flowery flavor. Short finish. Very bitter. Nice whisky. Superb experience super smooth. The caramel on this stands up. 88 over 100
Nose: Vanilla and fruits on the back, strong oak and alcohol flavor on the top.. Moderately peaty
Taste: some alcohol in the beginning going to a smooth fruity flavour
Aftertaste: long and woody, leaves a peaty palade
Better than expected, worth to have one on your shelf
Follow me on insta: @whiskperience
People turn their nose up at this because of the gimmicky bottle, but, there’s actually a very tasty whisky inside. It’s a sweet, slightly smoky, but most importantly a very approachable drinker. There’s a vanilla toasted smoothness to this. Is it exceptional? No...but would I blind taste this and hide the bottle, to try to impress some snobs, you betcha. Buy one, and enjoy it, it’s worth the freight