mid delicate, maple honey, sweetness, no smoke, butterscotchmoderate mature 3.25
glassy, sweetness turns to slight bitterness, sulphuric kick, oaky and this is slightly oily with a quite mid to long finish on the oak 1
oaky and bitter 1
sweet pear dry mint fragrant low pep 3.5
light sweetness, increasing gradual heat and pep (relatively low), seems delicate at first but it gets more complex as it mixes up and lingers in your mouth a little longer, you get oaky woody ash finish towards the tailend, bitterness 2.5
woody mid sustain 2.25
Pear grapes, apple, sweet fruity and aromatic 3
Flavour sugary, no heat, sweet grape, creamy thick on the middle palate and lightness around the edge of the tongue 3
Oaky light 2.75
Creamy smoothness, honey caramel, moderate peppery, nutty, almond, 2.75
Sweetness, vanilla, oaky woody & sawdust is quite prominent, mild peppery, depth in flavor 2.5
oaky woody 2