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Much heavier tobacco nose than anything else I have, I think. Lots of hay and peppery rye on the palate. Quite thin and light in color. Not great, but very drinkable!
Professional reviewer understates the bitter wood flavor, overpowers the better flavors in this bourbon. Not the worst I’ve tasted, prefer to mix this one.
November 29, 2019 (edited August 31, 2020)
3.0 out of 5 stars
Cinnamon stick, Cinnamon red hots, oh and Cinnamon!
Feels and taste more of a 110 proof vs the 90 that’s stated. Great mouth feel and a tad on the oily side. Decent finish with a spicy, slightly smoke and wood finish Picked this up by chance for a mere $29 in Myrtle beach. Over all a decent bargain whiskey, especially if your into cumin?, coriander? clove? .........oh wait CINNAMON!