August 21, 2021 (edited September 16, 2022)
Neat. Neck pour. So frickin excited. Got this for retail, another bottle off the bucket list. I have received a sample of M10 Rye before but this is the first bottle I have own.
This nose is amazing. I could live in this forever. Curious how is this bottle is because the oak over the top awesome. It smells like an old Rick house in the summer. Getting this lovely cherry and vanilla frosting. The rye brings this nice white pepper. Bit of graham cracker. There is a brightness to it from the rye but it really doesn’t present itself as a rye on the nose due to the oak and cherry.
I typically don’t comment about the oil on the glass, but this is ridiculously oily.
Interestingly, despite being so oily it feels thin on the tongue. Darn proof. There are some amazing flavors in here though, oh my. Initially it is a bit flavorless on the tongue. Minor sweetness like brown sugar mixed with water. Things pick up mid palate and the finish is killer. Mid palate this is a cherry cordial, the chocolate, the vanilla cream, the cherry. Towards the finish, the oak comes in with a strong wave escalates the cherry cordial even more and brings some pepper. The pepper is the only rye characteristic on this. The oak just keeps going.
Delightful pour. The amount of oak on this rye is unlike any other rye I have ever had. The oldest ryes I own are around 8 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is close to 12 years. I know the proof is a turnoff for some people but I would gladly buy another one if these when this one is gone.