This is a whisky without flaws. From first nose to the last sip’s finish, it just makes sense, and it makes no mistakes. That is very rare, and something to be cherished, these days. But it is not a perfect whisky, which is one that takes risks and makes mistakes, but the imperfections add to its perfection.
This dram introduces itself with crisp, clean fruits such as peaches and plums. On the palate, the texture is very creamy and there is a rich caramel. The finish is dark chocolates and a soft pleasant woody linger. I’ve never smelled or touched sandalwood, but I’m guessing it is soft, and is what gives a well-aged Japanese whisky that meditative balance.
This is not a beginner whisky, not just from a pricing standpoint, but beginners will enjoy it. There is a force of purpose behind this whisky and you can tell it is blended so that flavors synergize to increase the amplitude. This is more complex and textured than most single malts, and there is a lot of stuff for you to sink your teeth into. The closest comparison for me would be Compass Box This Is Not a Luxury Whisky.
I do not remember Hibiki 21 that well enough to say for sure which one is better. I do remember that trying Hibiki 21 was not a moment when time stopped, as I was promised. Time did not stop for the Taketsuru 21 either because it did does not challenge you with any unique notes, but it is priced somewhat appropriately for a flawless, but not perfect, luxury dram. When I tried the Hibiki, it was on shelves for around $500. Today, if you can find it on a shelf, it’ll be more like $800. This Nikka Taketsuru 21 is much more common on shelves in my area, and it’s around $350-400. Certainly from a price standpoint, this is more reasonable.
Score: ** (unimaginably good)
How much does a bottle cost: $350-500
How much do I think a bottle is worth: $320