Tried out at a bar, open air, humid, pollen-dusted May night. Highball glass, neat. Takes a while for the nose to amount to much in this setting but lands like a younger, high corn mashbill. Would be hard pressed to tell the difference between this and Larceny. Thus are wheated bourbons in most cases, for me at least.
Light body, corn and wheat checks cereal, hint of cherry and overripe banana, butterscotch sweetness with a bit of char… cream? There is a bit of an odd coating sensation left behind. The latter part is the most odd of them… kettle corn, tobacco, and French-vanilla ice cream. It’s actually better than the sip itself.
Verdict - this particular expression doesn’t really do much for me. I know this is a sought after expression from the Heaven Hill pantheon but seems like a case where the fancy decanter outclasses the contents. Other releases might outclass this one but I would be a bit pissed to pay even the $100+ MSRP for this one, let alone secondary.