May 4, 2020 (edited June 11, 2020)
I've been interested in this one for a while. Not available here in NC, but the distillery is very near where I lived in SC during the 90's. At that time, a distillery operating in SC would've been unheard of. Hell, you couldn't even buy beer or wine on Sunday! I was dropping off a chair to my daughter's apartment and saw she had a bottle she picked up on a recent trip to Charleston, SC. I poured myself a taste to try and...
Not bad. First few sips were Corn Sweetness, Black Pepper Spice, with a pleasant Vanilla/Oak coating after the finish. After a bit though, the lack of age became apparent. You get the hot "White Dog" burn/taste. The Oak became "cardboard-ish". My daughter said she and her boyfriend thought it was too strong, and I said "No, it's not too strong, it's too young". This has some good qualities but I think it needs more time in the barrel. This goes down like a "shooter", but it's priced like a "sipper". Not the worst craft whiskey I've had, but far from the best. It gets an extra quarter point for the awesome looking bottle.