March 14, 2021 (edited April 27, 2022)
Neat. Sample. I had a chance to buy this when it came out but I just spent $200 at the prior liquor store. A few reviews indicated this was a bit overrated at first so I felt alright about the decision. Those same reviewers revisited the bottle and were amazed how well it opened it and called the best rye of the year. Whiskey regret sucks. A friend heard my story and got me a sample. Whiskey friends are the best.
Okay this smells so different than I was expecting. I’m assuming this is a barely legal rye since it’s Heaven Hill because it doesn’t present it self as a rye. Very sweet, the rye is subtle. Additionally, 8 year and heavy char I was expecting a darker nose. Bright and sweet. Very floral. I feel bad sipping on this on a dreary cold day like today. This would be great for a sunny, spring day. Very floral. Vanilla ice cream. Drizzled in cherry sauce. May go with a creme brûlée actually, getting those charred sugars and caramel too. I’m beginning to find the rye but I don’t think I would find them blind. This nose is delicious but not spectacular.
Lovely, silky texture. Flavorful immediately. Cinnamon rolls and frosting on the tongue even before the swallow. The cinnamon and vanilla frosting escalate mid palate and it does transition into a beautiful creme brûlée. Getting these nice apples and raspberries mid palate too. I am starting to get eucalyptus on the finish but that is the only place this presents itself as a rye to me, on the finish. The rye really comes through on the finish. This would be a doozy to pick apart blind. The heavy char aspects are coming through on subsequent sips. Reminds me of a baked Alaska with the flamed meringue. Lovely vanillas throughout.
Yep, should have purchased that dang bottle. This is worth every cent. This is the best barely legal rye I have ever had but I find it unfair to compare to more classic rye. Other than the finish, nothing about this is a rye.