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I love port so this is an interesting rum for me. Has the tawny look, albeit darker thanks to the rum, and a deep sniff reveals the aroma is without a doubt port wine! I can also get smooth caramely vanilla if the sniff is short and quick. It has the sweetness and flavor of port as well. To me this is more like drinking port than rum but I'm not complaining at all.
This is better as a sipper with a small cube of ice to take the edge off of the alcohol after-burn. I can't imagine a mixed drink would taste good using this.
Update: Mixed with Pepsi (not a big Coke fan) was okay...not good because of the port flavour but not necessarily bad either.
I find the port flavor is most pure if the sip doesn't linger in one's mouth. The longer it's kept in the mouth the more caramel flavors overcome the port.
I tell ya, a 2oz. snifter simply isn't enough! :-D
Rating is based on neat sipping.