Rating: 14/23
I got this hearing that it was good and thinking (wrongly) based on the name that it was all wheat. Hopefully the wheat has a big impact in here.
N: Sweet at first, then spiciness hits. A bit of an earthy graininess as well, though it's not really funky. The sweetness is sugary. I'm really digging this nose. It's got more going on than most vodkas and its notes are good.
P: This burns more than I'd hoped. It's definitely harsh. Not super harsh, but kind of. Certainly not as smooth as Chopin Wheat or Ocean.
It doesn't have a great flavor, but it isn't bad. Pretty bland. More bland that Kirkland French Vodka. The alcohol really comes through and it's the main flavor. Some hints of lemon and spicy grain notes. Some sugary sweetness and definite generic bitterness. No earthy notes, unless the bitterness is just one boring one.
F: Continued burn with alcohol bitterness. Some faint remnants of the grain and lemon. I'd love to attribute that bitterness to earth rather than alcohol, but if it is an earth flavor, it isn't a very good one. A little bit of sugary alcohol on the long finish,
- Conclusion -
The flavor here isn't that great, but it's solid for a vodka. The burn is what really gets me: this is a fairly harsh vodka. I struggle to drink it a little bit.
Ocean Organic (16/23) is definitely better with its smoothness. I also like the Ocean's sweetness more. This has more going on, but the Ocean's core flavor does it for me more. It's a tough call in this department.
Kirkland French Vodka (14/23) has a funkier flavor with more fusel to it. And maybe some cinnamon too? This is also a little harsher, though perhaps some of that has to do with this bottle being more recently opened. I can only hope. I think that this is pretty close to the Kirkland in quality. I started thinking that this was a little better, then I thought they were about even, now I think that this is a bit inferior. I think I'll give them both 14s for now. This is certainly poor value, though I'm not feeling substantial regret. This will be a good one to rinse my bottles with once I run out of the Kirkland stuff.