Green Spot Single Pot Still
Single Pot Still — Ireland
October 11, 2023 (edited June 27, 2024)
Green Spot Single Pot-Still Irish Whiskey
Red Spot 15-Year Single Pot-Still Irish Whiskey
While I’ve reviewed Green Spot before (August 25, 2022), I’ve never reviewed Red Spot, nor have I reviewed them side-by-side. Of the four broad whisk(e)y groups (American whiskey, Irish whiskey, Scotch whisky, and Japanese whisky), I’m least experienced with Irish Whiskey, which I’m attempting to rectify. Spot Whiskey gets its name from the distillery’s practice of making each barrel with a “spot” of green, blue, yellow, or red paint, based on its contents.
Green Spot Single Pot-Still Irish Whiskey
Clear Pantone 138 in color. Fruity but mild nose brings an initial hit of Granny Smith apples, along with a little melon and orange marmalade, a little coolness, and a whiff of ethanol despite the low ABV. (The “spot-on banana popsicle” from my previous review is there as well). There is an initial apple tartness on the palate, followed by sweet honey, a little cinnamon, toasted oak, and a slight bitterness on the finish.
There’s a lot to like here. The biggest obstacle in the way of Green Spot is economics: 40% ABV will never make a great whisk(e)y. Of course, a whiskey must have the flavor profile to support a higher proof. Additionally, “great whiskey” may not be Green Spot's objective. It isn’t cheap; it currently retails for just under $60. (It should be noted that Middleton produces some special editions of Green Spot aged in various wine casks which are offered at 46% ABV). Would I buy it again? No, but purely on an economic and value basis. It’s very good, but expensive for a 40% ABV whiskey. 3.75 on the Distiller scale.
40% ABV. NAS.
Red Spot 15-Year Single Pot-Still Irish Whiskey
Virtually identical Pantone 138 in color, which is a bit surprising given the 15-year age statement. Dramatically different nose than the Green Spot, with much warmer tones of sandalwood, chocolate, banana bread, walnuts, vanilla extract, and biscuits, as well as some of the same orange marmalade that I picked up on the Green Spot, but more intense. The palate has a mouthcoating oiliness and amazing depth of flavor, mimicking the same items on the nose. There is some mild spiciness, and the alcohol is well-concealed. Long finish with papaya, vanilla, and a little bittersweet cocoa.
Red Spot is a special whiskey—the best Irish Whiskey I’ve had thus far. It is by no means a daily sipper, but if you’re serious about whisk(e)y in general, and Irish Whiskey in particular, it’s a must-have. Red Spot can be found for about $200. Would I buy it? (Not again, as this one is on temporary loan from a friend). Yes. 4.5 on the Distiller scale.
46% ABV. 15-year age statement. Non-chill filtered.
N.B.: All spirits tasted neat in a Glencairn glass.
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