Standard fare blended whisky that you receive as a gift because even though you've previously stated you're "more of a single malt kind of person, not to sound pretentious or anything, heh heh," you recall their eyes glazing over, so you accept it graciously because it really is the thought that counts. And hey, beats getting another scarf/winterware peripheral you inevitably lose. Still, a bottle thoroughly enjoyed on account of It Doing the Job of getting you right knackered, and setting your inhibitions to the point where practicing your Gollum impresson seems appropriate.
While not really my tastes, it's not exactly hot dog water. Sweet, crisp with ethanol, touch of peppercorn. Mixes really well with cola, though, which seems to be the fate of gifted blends. Gollum impression still needs work, though.
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Old review but shit its good