12 Followees
Scott_EScotch appreciator exploring the whisky world to quench my spirit.
TwstrattEngineer, Islay enthusiast
ZweihanderKato | 31 | Montreal | Qapla'
MMMNRICE''I'm on a whisky diet. I've lost three days already'' - Tommy Cooper
Tomasz_ZagrajekExploring the entire whisky world.
mikaelco-founder and CEO of Distiller. it's nice outside. i like it out there.
Damon_ElliotI'll always come home to single malt scotch.
LeeEvolvedIf it’s not Scottish, IT’S CRAP! - Mike Myers Saturday Night Live
Co-Mayo-PaddyWhiskey river don't run dry, you're all I got take care of me.
Dreaming-of-IslayMore extended versions of my reviews and whiskey bar reviews from around the world: https://jasonwu0509.wixsite.com/dreamingofislay
LadybirdMaltyClassically trained Pastry Chef /lifelong Foodie and Freelance writer. Always on the lookout for great pairings. Lover of world whiskies and constantly exploring...finding my true love in Islay Scotch!
Results 1-12 of 12 Followees