40 Followees
wojciech_nowackiMusic blogger @ dnamuzyki.net
BDannerWHISK(E)Y. The reason I wake up every afternoon.
washeewashee_reviewsIG = @washeewashee_reviews
OldDudeNeat Freak? As a matter of fact I am... especially when it comes to whiskey.
Ctrexmanscotch and bourbon hound
DigitalArcI don't judge. I drink.
jonwilkinson7309Majoring in whisk(e)y, with minors in rum and mezcal. I have a collection of about 200 bottles, with a focus on American craft and Islay, Highland and Island Scotches. If you'd like to trade samples@ please contact me at [email protected].
jdriip3.5 = 70 = Average (relative to my enjoyment)
Jose-Massu-EspinelThe Whiskritic
icsteel1543.25+ is worth a taste
mikaelco-founder and CEO of Distiller. it's nice outside. i like it out there.
LouisianaLonghornAppreciator of barrel-aged distilled goodies.
ScotchingHardDrinking the good stuff
MisterPeabodyKansas City, MO. Father of two (plus a cat). Spent 2007 in Louisville and fell in love with bourbon. 2.5 is not a bad score for me, just average.
HunterAshtonThe Guild
Results 1-20 of 40 Followees