17 Followees
ryanc919Veteran. I take pictures and drink whisk(e)y. Fortunate to have had American whiskey from every decade going back to the 1890s. Whiskey is best enjoyed with others.
Lee-SautiaTechnologist, backpacker, whiskey lover.
BDannerWHISK(E)Y. The reason I wake up every afternoon.
jonwilkinson7309Majoring in whisk(e)y, with minors in rum and mezcal. I have a collection of about 200 bottles, with a focus on American craft and Islay, Highland and Island Scotches. If you'd like to trade samples@ please contact me at [email protected].
Scott_EScotch appreciator exploring the whisky world to quench my spirit.
BlimpsGo90I'm good enough - I'm smart enough - and doggone it people like me
ContemplativeFoxBarstool ramblings - out of 23
Bourbon_Obsessed_LexingtonI’m not sure if Kentucky made me fall in love with whiskey, or if whiskey made me fall in love with Kentucky.
Fafnir187All ratings have cost factored in. Any rating under 3.5 is an hard avoid. 3.5 rating not a re-buy unless heavily discounted. 3.75 rating equals a rebuy under the right circumstances. 4.0 and above rating equals rebuy.
Results 1-17 of 17 Followees